Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών
Dear partner,
We hope you and your families are safe and well in this challenging time.
I would like to inform you of the University of Bonn's plans for summer
semester 2021 to help you and your students in making the best decisions
with regard to international mobility.
The University of Bonn *will continue student exchanges in summer
semester**2021, most likely under **the **same conditions that apply
during the current winter semester *and aligned with the latest
developments of the Covid-19 pandemic.
* The general hygiene and protective measures currently in place, such
as wearing of face masks and social distancing, no lectures in
larger groups, etc., will most likely still apply.
* Many classes are likely to be conducted online, with on-site classes
taking place only where hygienic regulations allow. However, no
decisions have yet been made on course and exam formats for the
summer semester as these depend on the developments of the pandemic
at the time.
* Admission may be restricted for certain courses, e.g. lab
practicals. The departmental Erasmus coordinators will provide
students with relevant information.
* German language courses will most likely continue in a hybrid format
or online.
* Orientation and other student support services as well as cultural
events organized by the International Office will be held in digital
format only. Whether student support services can be offered as
usual will be decided at a later point in time, depending on the
situation in spring/summer. However, we will make every effort to
support your students in the best way possible.
Teaching formats (online only, hybrid, on-site courses) and conditions
for supervising incoming students vary by faculty and department. The
departmental *Erasmus coordinators will therefore be taking the final
decision on acceptance of incoming students for the summer semester
*while being as flexible as possible. They will also inform students
with regard to course options as well as of applicable restrictions.
We advise students to not buy plane tickets or book accommodation until
they have received an official notification of acceptance by their
departmental Erasmus coordinator as well as further information from the
International Office. However, students who wish to stay in a dormitory
of the Studierendenwerk are advised to apply as soon as possible.
Students are not bound to their application and will need to reconfirm
their request each month. The earlier the application is filed, the
greater the chances of being offered a room. Further information can be
found on our Erasmus web page
Students who wish to *postpone their exchange to academic year**2021/22*
will have to be re-nominated next year. We will do our best to accept as
many nominees as possible but cannot guarantee that we will be able to
accept a significantly larger number of students than agreed, not least
due to the housing situation in Bonn.
*We strongly advise against the "blended mobility*" *option *(starting
the semester online at home and traveling to Bonn at a later point in
the semester) because finding housing for a shorter period of time may
be very difficult. The International Office will also be limited in its
ability to provide individual orientation and support for students.
We continue to closely monitor the situation, and will inform you and
your students of any changes.
We would like to take this opportunity to once again thank you very much
for your cooperation, trust and partnership. Please do not hesitate to
contact us if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Susanne Maraizu
University of Bonn
International Office
Section International Outbound Mobility
Susanne Maraizu, Head of Section
Erasmus Institutional Coordinator